Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The following are a couple of conversations I have had with Chloe recently.

Taylor and I were talking about the Winter Olympics being in Russia in 4 years. We then realized that Chloe would be 8 and getting baptized.

Me: Chloe in 4 years you will be getting baptized.
Chloe: I don't want to get baptized, and you better tell Jesus that.

Another Day:
Chloe was being really bad on the way home from the store. When we got inside the following conversation occurred.

Me: Chloe this is unacceptable behavior
Chloe: Well, I don't know any better.

Moments like these make me laugh so hard.


J and L said...

Hey! We just found your blog. Congrats from your Heal cousins on baby #3! Boys are a lot of fun!

Chad and Nicole said...

Hi! IWe just found your blog through Jared and Lauren. I love it!! Your girls are so beautiful, it will be fun to throw a boy into the mix :) Congrats on baby #3!